Do You Have a Private Right to Use Cannabis Part Three

Sharlenemusic  Part 1, Part 2 Activist and filmmaker Jerry Dayhere, provides excellent research for anyone looking to protect rights and privacy. Check out his presentation about the proven health benefits of Cannabis. Did you know, a “smart meter” is basically no different than an illegal wire-tapping device? Learn more, video.

Consuming marijuana and driving is illegal in Colorado, Six Facts About Marijuana Legalization in Colorado, here. But…are you sure you’re a “Driver?” What’s the best way to protect your right to travel privately in your car?

Not only do States retain sovereignty under the Constitution, there is also a ‘fundamental principle of equal sovereignty’ among the States. Read here, here, here, herehere.

The Tenth Amendment, of course, does not speak of rights at all, but rather speaks of reserved “powers.” Read Two Conceptions of the Ninth Amendmenthere. Also, James Madison; Ninth Amendment;  Fourteenth Amendment, this dissent.

“The Supreme Court, in the Slaughterhouse Cases, held, that there are now two citizens under the Constitution of the United States of America, a citizen of the United States, at Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, and also a citizen of the several States, at Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution.

“Privileges and immunities of a citizen of the several States are not the same as the privileges and immunities of a citizen of the United States.” Yes There is a Citizen of the Several States by Dan Goodman, here.

“Since the Constitution did not grant (and could not grant) any jurisdiction over intrastate commerce, the bankers’ goal was to slowly take over the federal government through the foreign commerce clause in conjunction with the grant from the Constitution that the federal government has total control over its own possessions (Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2).

“Under foreign commerce the federal government is sovereign, and within its possessions the federal government is sovereign as well.  The federal government may impose any tax or regulation it likes under these jurisdictions.  This was the blueprint that Great Britain’s bankers would use to create the ‘New World Order’.  This does not mean a ‘world order’ that is ‘new’ – it means the ‘Order’ established in the ‘New World’.” Llstuler’s Blog.

Read about Roe v. Wade (1973). Here’s a brief summary of some laws that make it possible for ordinary citizens to stand up for their privacy rights, read more.