Three Activism Film Festivals Planned for 2018

Sharlenemusic Updated June 2018 Submissions began Sept. 15, 2017 for the first Colorado International Cannabis & Hemp Film Festival (CICHFF), which premiered 5-8 PM, April 17-19, 2018. Submissions began February 14, 2018 for the 2nd Colorado International Activism Film Festival #CIAFF 2018, which premiered Sat., July 15, 2017 at The Bug Theater.

Colorado International Cannabis & Hemp Film Festival
Colorado International Cannabis & Hemp Film Festival

One of our three annual film festivals has changed its name to better accommodate our judges, submitters and other interested participants. Formerly the Colorado International Flat Earth Film Festival #CIFEFF, we’re now the Colorado International SciFi & Fantasy Film Festival, #CISFFF 2018.

At # CIAFF 2017 we received 34 submissions and provided 16 awards for our first season. Thanks to submitters and congratulations to award winners! Warm thanks to our friends, family, guests, sponsors, judges, volunteers & venue!

Activism Laurel
Activism Laurel

CIAFF 2018 will be held at Denver Open Media, 700 Kalamath Street, Denver Thurs, July 12th -Sat., July 14th. Details & itinerary will be firmed up within two weeks of the event. $5 tickets went on sale May 11th.

We are accepting tax-deductible donations at the door and in advance. All donations go toward supporting award-winning activist filmmakers, photographers/artists, musicians & writers. You can contact us via snail mail – In Care Of 4259 West Florida Avenue, # 19495 Denver, Colorado, USA [80219] – or by TEXT/CALL (720) 298-1524.

We would love to feature your documentaries, dramatizations, comedies, animations, music videos and personal narratives. We also welcome your screenplays and art/photographs! Please be sure your submissions are relevant to our festival theme of “Activism.”

Submission topics include Food & Farming, Bible & Prophecy, Law & Jurisprudence, False Left/Right Political Paradigm, Right to Travel, Prisons & Prison Reform, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Second Amendment, Liberty Preservation, Anarchy, Green & Feminist Ideals, Conservative Ideals, Cannabis & Hemp, Marijuana Legalization & Decriminalization, Medical Marijuana, Natural Healing, Math & Science, Economics.

Also, Arts/Artists, Biography, Conspiracy, Politics, Comedy & Satire, Crime, Drugs, Money & Economics, Environment/Ecology, Creative Arts & Filmmaking, Health, History, Media, Military/ War, Music, Mystery, Magick, Nature, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion, Christianity, Science, Sexuality, Society, Sports, Technology, Astrology, Astronomy, Cosmometry, Urban Planning, Civil Rights, Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform, Police Brutality, Biology & Chemistry, Chemtrails & Geoengineering, Slavery & Reconstruction, Declaration of Independence, Second American Revolution, Ron Paul.

“Thank you for my selection in such a prestigious award…Let the fire burning for the rights of our people end the cycle of poverty and hunger.” Yogini Surve, Director, Hunger, July 2017

CIAFF 2018 anticipates art, music, film and screenplay submissions from many countries. Activists submit short & feature-length films, screenplays, music, art, and photography for consideration by our team.

As our festival grows locally in popularity, we hope to invite partners and volunteers from the Denver area. We hope to screen submissions for up to two weeks at multiple venues. We hope to hold panels and debates.

Music Video (MV): 1) Best Hip & Cool Music Video, 2) Best Festival Theme Music Video, 3) “Rising Star” Music Video, 4) Best Colorado & the West Music Video, 5) Best International Music Video, 6) Best Animation in a Music Video, 7) Best Costumes & Makeup in a Music Video, 8) Best Production Design in a Music Video.

Film (F): 1) Best in Show Drama 2) Best in Show Documentary 3) Best Soundtrack Drama 4) Best Soundtrack Documentary 5) Best Cinematography Drama 6) Best Cinematography Documentary 7) Best Acting Drama 8) Best Host Documentary 9) Best Titles, Graphics & Animation Drama 10) Best Titles, Graphics & Animation Documentary 11) Best Animation Short/Feature 12) Best Dramatic Short, 13) Best Documentary Short 14) Best Comedic Short/Feature, 15) Best International Festival Theme, 16) Best USA Festival Theme 17) Best Costumes & Makeup Short/Feature 18) Best Production Design Drama 19) Best Production Design Documentary 20) “Rising Star” Film 21) Best Actor 22) Best Actress

Screenplay (S): 1) Best TV Screenplay 2) Best Festival Theme

Art (A): Best Festival Theme Artwork; Photo (P): Best Festival Theme Photo

Depending on the number and types of submissions we receive, we may provide alternative and/or additional awards. As our festival acquires sponsorship and funding, we hope to offer many cash and other types of awards to talented activist filmmakers and creatives. All judges and award winners are automatically enrolled in our Learned Society, the Association for International Activist Filmmakers (a $100 value).

To volunteer, sponsor, judge and/or donate, contact us: By email, [email protected]; By snail mail, In Care Of 4259 West Florida Avenue, # 19495 Denver, Colorado, USA; By text or call (720) 298-1524.









