Colorado International Flat Earth Film Festival

Colorado International Flat Earth Film Festival (CIFEFF) Premiers 2018

Updated October 2018 Flat Earth? Are you serious? You must be kidding – that’s crazy! Well…how do you really know the Earth is a globe? Only because you were told so by your teacher, who was told so by someone else, who was told so by someone else, who was told so by someone else, who was told by some “authority” or “expert”…. right? Why do you think the sun is a spinning ball? Ever wonder who’s at the top of the pyramid? Of course, it’s David Icke!

Formerly the Colorado International Flat Earth Film Festival, we’re now the Colorado International SciFi & Fantasy Film Festival, #CISFFF 2018. “Ground control to Major Tom!…can you hear me Major Tom?” We apologize for any inconvenience. Please update your records and website links accordingly.

“You ever tried to talk to people about NASA? … it’s like banging your head on a brick wall…!” Conspiracy Music Guru

I Don’t Want to Talk About NASA, here. Also, we found these fun & creative music videos! What is “Scientism?” Learn more, filmmaker Robbie Davidson. Here’s recent tests from Taboo Conspiracy. Check out #IamSignificant. Also, check out this old Sailor’s Word Book, PDF.

Judge Mark K. Sargent, author and prolific researcher, is well-known in the FE community
Mark K. Sargent, author and researcher, is well-known in the FE community

The internet has been buzzing lately with theories, amateur experiments, opinions, and volumes of vast conjecture re: Flat Earth. Heck, even Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante, doesn’t think anyone went to the moon! Watch this video; check out projects from FECORE. NBC News Interview with Mike Hughes, video. Check out Mark K. Sargent’s Flat Earth Clues, video.

Personally, I’m new to “Flat Earth”. Like most folks, I’ve been a “Glober” most of my life, only by default. I would describe myself, currently, as “Shape Agnostic.” I’m open to hollow earth theories, too. Even though I have a background in mathematics & physics, I find these topics to be highly technical & complex. Currently, I have more questions than answers!

In order to support new filmmakers, artists, photographers, musicians, & screenwriters, we are planning our 1st event for Saturday, Nov. 17th from around 1 PM – 5:30 PM at Denver Open Media, 700 Kalamath Street, Denver. Afterwards, we’ll head over to Alamo Drafthouse’s Barfly to continue the discussion. Some friends are planning to attend Robbie Davidson’s Flat Earth Intl. Conference 2018 Denver, Nov. 15-16, so we’ve planned our film festival in order to give them an opportunity to drop in.

#CISFFF 2018 welcomes both documentary and fictional projects that promote generally positive messages related to the shape of Earth & the Universe. No whining! We want to be inclusive, not divisive. Also, we wish to welcome and be supportive of women and minorities. We would love to feature your documentaries, dramatizations, re-enactments, comedies, comics, animations and personal narratives. Bring your alien and monster friends.

Also, we welcome your docudramas, “…a drama (as for television) dealing freely with historical events especially of a recent and controversial nature.” Merriam Webster. “…A dramatic film presenting a fictionalized version of a real story. Docudramas use real names but take artistic license with the details. Related to but distinct from ‘dramatic reconstructions’ in nonfiction documentary films.” TV Tropes. Check out this list of best docudrama movies, many of which are streaming on Netflix and Amazon Prime. What’s the difference between a documentary and a docudrama? Read here.

Bob Knodel and Jeran Campanella Host The Globebusters Show
Bob Knodel & Jeran Campanella Host The Globebusters Show

We welcome presentations relevant to all aspects of alternative Cosmologies, including Gravity, Electro-magnetism, Time Travel, Time& Space, Time Dilation, Timekeeping, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrology, Theoretical/Thought Experiments, Resonance/Frequency, Mathematics/Probability, Sacred Geometry.

Also, Mythology, Comparative Religion & all remotely related topics. We’re interested in travel narratives & expeditions, both modern & ancient, documentary & fictional. We’re also interested in Evolution (Abiogenesis) and Creation topics.

Is “Flat Earth” the “Mother of All Conspiracies”? Some folks think so. Did anyone really walk on the moon? A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon, videoBart Sibrel. Read about the 2017 conference for Flat Earth.

“It seems that the schools of Portsmouth have been teaching the damnable and heretical doctrine that the earth is a sphere.” Darryle D. Marble

Activist Darryle D. Marble discusses an article dated April 21, 1900, from a Grand Marais, MN newspaper. Read more here. Here’s a lot of old newspaper articles relevant to the topic, downloadable files. Check out Zen Garcia’s videos, Endeavor Freedom. Scriptures concerning the nature of the heavens/sky above and their relationship to the earth courtesy of Rob Skiba, Testing the Globe.

“Shapes of things before my eyes Just teach me to despise Will time make man more wise…” Shapes of Things, on Pinups album, David Bowie. I know all of the words to those songs! According to NASA, the definition of cosmology is “the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole.” By the way, Shouldn’t the Tesla Roadster be Melting by Now?! It’s here. What’s up with Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science? It’s here.

“The Infinite Improbability Drive is a faster-than-light drive. The most prominent usage of the drive is in the starship Heart of Gold.” Here’s some of the best scenes from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (2005) featuring Martin Freeman, Mos Def, Sam Rockwell, John Malkovich, Warwick Davis, Zooey Deschanel, and Helen Mirren, video. Also, Walter Veith discusses the total improbability of abiogenesis, Amazing Discoveries TV. Pastor Charles Lawson discusses our bodies’ amazing cellular structure, Gene Spliced Cyborgs.

Robbie Davidson, creator of two Scientism Exposed films asks, “What if there has been an agenda to keep people from the Truth of God? What if everything modern day science has taught you about your origins is wrong? Make no mistake; the very foundation of all of mankind’s ‘knowledge’ depends on what is believed to be the Truth about the Origin of all that exists.” Scientism Exposed uncovers the spiritual agenda/deception with the scientific worldview that many teach today as proven truth and fact. Learn more Celebrate Truth.

Many argue that ancient teachings and scriptures from around the world describe Earth as a flat disk, covered by a physical dome, at the center of the universe. Do you agree? Disagree? These and all related investigations concerning the sun, moon, stars, oceans, lakes, mountains, valleys, deserts, universe, time and all perspectives on our beautiful home and all of creation are welcome at our film festival! We would like to feature films, music videos, art/photos, and screenplays with themes along the lines of The Principle (2014) directed by Katheryne Thomas and written by Rick DeLano. Here’s the trailer for that film.

Heliocentrism is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System. Historically, Heliocentrism was opposed to Geocentrism, which placed the Earth at the center. The “Flat Earth” cosmological model (generally) posits that the Earth exists on a giant, flat plane with the Arctic/North Pole at the center, and a huge wall of ice/Antarctic surrounding the entire disc, forming its circumference. The implication of this is that we may live under a giant dome, of sorts, or a “firmament” as characterized by the popular American satirical comedy-drama directed by Peter Weir, The Truman Show (1998).

Depending on the number and types of submissions we receive, we may provide alternative and additional awards. We would also like to provide awards for photos/art. As our festival acquires sponsorship and funding, we hope to offer many cash and other types of awards to talented activist filmmakers and creatives. We are accepting donations at the door and in advance. All donations go toward supporting award-winning activist writers, artists, musicians, photographers and filmmakers. All award winners are automatically enrolled in our Learned Society, the Association for International Activist Filmmakers (a $100 value). Learn more.

To attend, volunteer, sponsor, judge and/or donate, contact us: By email, [email protected]; By snail mail, In Care Of 4259 West Florida Avenue, # 19495 Denver, Colorado, USA; By text or call (720) 298-1524. Submit, #CISFFF 2018.





























