Life, reimagined! Check out ONEPlusphi TV. The number of over-the-top streaming platforms on the market is vast, and finding the best service provider is no easy task. Vimeo OTT takes care of all the complex tasks that come with creating and growing a video subscription business. The service offers a full, flexible, end-to-end solution to help us (and you) bring your creative efforts to the industry faster. From building branded apps, to speedy customer service for us and our subscribers, they’ve got you covered. Here’s why we chose Vimeo OTT over the rest. Learn more.
Infinite Perimeter Films, AIAFilmmakers, OnePlusphi TV and our related projects intend to comply with Vimeo OTT’s Terms of Service. Consequently, we rely on our community of creatives to make our sites and projects a vibrant source of creative and interesting content of all kinds while keeping in mind a few rules regarding subject matter we do not allow on our streaming platforms. Read here. Check out these Tips & Best Practices.
If you believe your work has been infringed upon, please don’t hesitate to call/text us. If we’re unable to address your concern directly and immediately, we ask you to file a claim on Vimeo’s copyright page. Please read here, here, here, and here. As part of recent internet regulations (e.g. GDPR, CCPA), users may have the right to request access to the known data about your account. As such, you may have the right to get a copy of your data sent to you. Vimeo OTT provides internal tools for gathering and delivering this information.
Strong Customer Authentication, or SCA, is a requirement of the European Union’s Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2) for payment service providers within the European Economic Area. SCA affects businesses based in the European Economic Area (EEA) serving customers in that region. SCA is intended to verify customer identity and reduce the number of fraudulent transactions. Vimeo OTT uses Stripe for payments processing, and Stripe supports SCA for all one-time and recurring transactions. As far as we can figure, since we’re based in Colorado, we do not need to take further steps re: these policies. You can learn more.
This year’s SciFi & Fantasy film event was held Sunday, 10/20/2019 from 3-9 PM at The Bug Theater, 3654 Navajo Street, Denver Colorado 80211. Learn more. Here’s our Nominees (updated 10-20-19), PDF. Here’s the event program, PDF. Here’s the Poster. Submitters attended the live event for free; crew, family and friends purchased $5 tickets and/or donated at the door. Also, this year, we offered free admission with a SciFi & Fantasy related costume. Learn about The Bug Theater, here.
Thanks to everyone who shared your filmic vision with us! We screened shorts, music videos & trailers followed by a brief awards ceremony. We received 60 entries. We screened 36 submissions, including 13 trailers and 23 full-length submissions. We sincerely regret that we are unable to screen all of our official selections. Learn more.
Submitters are invited to create your own award graphics & certificates based on our Awards Master, PDF, which should be roughly backward-compatible with previous award titles. Of course, we’re always happy to create a certificate for you upon request at the conclusion of our live event. Here’s an example certificate, PDF.
Please note, beginning 2020, to become eligible to screen and earn awards, we ask you to create a picture profile with AIAFilmmakers. AIAFilmmakers membership is free. Basic membership will never require you to enter any payment information. Advanced member features like premium content, discounted tickets, merchandise and special events will eventually be made available to members as part of a selection of paid plans. For now, we’re in open enrollment until late 2020. Learn more.
The Association of International Activist Filmmakers regrets that we are unable to screen all of our official selections to our three film festivals. We hope to screen more films in upcoming years as we obtain funding and sponsorship. We are planning an annual fundraiser beginning 2021.
Find updates here, here, here. Also, here. Our 3rd annual activism film festival event was held July 28th, 3-9 PM, The Bug Theater, 3654 Navajo Street, Denver Colorado 80211. Here’s news about #CIAFF2019. For $5, attendees enjoyed a little over 5 hours’ worth of “edutainment.” Such a deal! If you’ve submitted in the past, or plan to submit in the future, we appreciate your continuing support and sharing our activists & links. Thanks!
We screened a sampling of Award, Finalist, Semi-Finalist and Selected shorts & music videos. We screened trailers for some longer selections. Here’s the Program, PDF, Poster, more. Here’s INTL Awards, PDF & USA Awards (8-2-19), PDF. Here’s Nominees, PDF. Learn more about Denver’s own totally intimate and eclectic The Bug Theater. This year’s 2nd cannabis & hemp film festival #CICHFF 2019 was held Sun., April 14th, 3-9 PM at The Bug Theater. Here’s the Poster, #CICHFF 2019.
Find out about FilmFreeway’s new Gold Membership. Also, before you submit, check out these thoughts courtesy of Greg Sorvig , Director of Film Programming, Heartland Film posted at Medium. For our festivals, here’s our basic process.
- When we receive a submission, we decide whether or not to “Select” it.
- From these very basic Selections, called “Official Selection” we choose submissions to move up to “Semi-Finalist” and “Finalist.”
- From these, which we now call “Nominees”, we select “Award Winners”.
During the week following the conclusion of our live event, we publish all award titles, etc. in PDF format. On occasion, a new submission, which we receive late, is advanced directly to “Semi-Finalist”, “Finalist” or even “Award Winner.” These submissions will also be included in the “Nominees” listing, which we put together during the week following the conclusion of our live event. As a new operation, we’re still working out our awards, events, and various plans and practices. Thanks for your patience!
Like most members of the so-called “human race,” we learn from experience and improve over time! Go figure! We do credit God, not Darwin, of course, for our opposable thumbs, without which we would not be able to hit the spacebar while typing on the keyboard! They say, if at first you don’t succeed, well, uh …hmmm.
We decide festival screeners based on the following guidelines: 1. Ease of ability to timely download films from FilmFreeway or Vimeo, 2. Level of communication with submitters 3. Availability at our chosen venue, and 4. Appeal to a broad cross-section of our judges, volunteers and local filmmaking community. Also read here.
In 2019, one of our submitters to both #CIAFF2019 and #CICHFF2020, Steve Ellmore, Allegiance Films, screened his film, Unprescribed, which looks at medical marijuana as an alternative to the opioid epidemic and a means for combating veteran suicides, at Denver Open Media, Sat., July 27th, 3-6 PM. Check out this video. Learn more about how to view the film and follow the filmmaker, Eventbrite.