Updated April 18, 2019 Submissions for the 3rd annual Colorado International Cannabis & Hemp Film Festival #CICHFF 2020 opened Thurs., April 4, 2019. If you have questions or comments, please call/text, (720) 298-1524. Our event #CICHFF 2019 was held Sunday, April 14, 2019 from 3-9 PM at The Bug Theater, 3654 Navajo Street, Denver, Colorado. Submitters, judges and volunteers receive free admission; Tickets are available courtesy of FilmFreeway. Here’s our Twitter.
Here’s a link to #CICHFF Laurel Center. Call/text us if you need the password. Submissions are now being accepted for Colorado Intl. Activism Film Festival, here, #CIAFF 2019 and Colorado Intl. SciFi & Fantasy Film Festival here, #CISFFF 2019. Submitters and judges for all three film festivals receive complimentary membership and are automatically enrolled in the Association of International Activist Filmmakers, AIAFilmmakers ($100 value). You are invited to list the association on your portfolio. Here’s how to register, more.
If you plan to visit Denver, check out the International Church of Cannabis and Elevation Ministries, here. Please be advised, in general: 1. there’s no weed bus planned, 2. this is not a venue co-produced event, and 3. this is not an event where people are encouraged to bring weed, especially not into the theater. The Bug Theater & many venues that host our events are non-smoking venues. Please consult venue websites for more rules and guidelines.
Check out Rules Governing Marijuana Designated Consumption Areas, here, Denver Medical MJ Licenses, here. Turn Over a New Leaf, Marijuana Convictions Expungement, here. Also, a new report conducted by Freedman and Koski, a Colorado consulting firm, which advises local governments on the implementation of marijuana legalization, has Illinois lawmakers interested in legalization. Read more.
On Tues., May 1, 2018, 5-8 PM, we were honored to host a private post-festival live screening of Jeff Eichen’s Lifers Madness the Movie, which stars Tommy Chong, at Denver Open Media (DOM), 700 Kalamath Street. Congratulations to last year’s Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Award Winners! We received 67 submissions and provided 30 awards for our first season. Warm thanks to our guests, sponsors and judges! Learn more.
Oh yeah. Be sure to check out Decriminalize Denver! Cannabis is simply the scientific name given to the Marijuana plant. Some states, such as Colorado, have legalized the plant for recreational use much like alcohol. While many states and territories have passed legislation making the distribution and use of Cannabis legal for patients diagnosed with cancers and other medical conditions, others still arrest and jail innocent people for using it. With the federal government agreeing that there are, in fact, many valuable uses for cannabis & hemp, one has to wonder when the use of the plant will become common across all fifty states. Read more.
We would love to feature your documentaries, dramatizations, docudramas, comedies, animations, screenplays, art/photographs and music videos.Submission topics include Law & Jurisprudence, Cannabis Economics, Impact on Environment, Hemp as Fuel, Natural Healing, Spirituality, Drug Abuse, and Recovery from Addictions. We also appreciate “Stoner” style shorts. All perspectives on legitimate uses & ideas related to Cannabis, Hemp & remotely related topics are welcome.
“One of the great things about the cannabis industry is that it has dramatically sped up the process of ending cannabis prohibition and achieving advocacy goals that many of us have worked on for decades, long before there were profits to be made in producing and selling legal cannabis.
“The cannabis industry has attracted people with money and political influence that never previously supported reform, and its growth has led to businesses pushing for state-level legalization if for no other reason than it opens new markets for their business. But every now and then, advocacy goals and business interests collide, and it’s in these moments when a company’s moral compass is exposed.
“Nowhere is the clash between advocacy and business more evident than the debate over whether consumers should be allowed to cultivate cannabis at home for their own personal use.” Read more. Marijuana Companies Urged Governor to Ban Cannabis Home Cultivation, read more.
We anticipate submissions from many countries. Activists submit short & feature-length films, screenplays, music/songs, art and photos for consideration by our team of 5-10 judges, which may change seasonally. We regret that we are unable to screen all of our official selections.
As our festival grows locally in popularity & sponsorship, we hope to invite partners and volunteers from the Denver metro area and surrounding counties. We hope to hold panels and debates. If you’re interested in helping us judge submissions and/or writing film & music reviews, which we may publish at our websites, please call/text us, (720) 298-1524.
Depending on the number and types of submissions we receive, we may provide alternative and/or additional awards:
#CICHFF 2019 Anticipated Categories for Awards
1.0 USA/INTL. Script for Film/MV, 2.0 USA/INTL Dramatic Feature Film/MV, 3.0 USA/INTL Documentary Feature Film/MV, 4.0 USA/INTL Photo/Art & Special 5.0 USA/INTL Animated/Cartoon Feature Film/MV, 6.0 USA/INTL Comedic Feature Film/MV, 7.0 USA/INTL Music Video or Film, 8.0 USA/INTL Comedic Short Film/MV, 9.0 USA/INTL Animated/Cartoon Film/MV Short, 10.0 USA/INTL Documentary Short Film/MV, 11.0 USA/INTL Dramatic Short Film/MV, 12.0 USA/INTL VR/Web/New Media
#CICHFF 2019 Anticipated Awards
1.0 Best Script; Most Entertaining Script for Film/MV, 2.0 Best in Show for Film/MV, 3.0 Best Direction, Acting, Actor, Actress, Host/Narrator 4.0 Best Production Design for Film/MV, 5.0 Best Titles, Graphics & Animation (TG & A), 6.0 Best Cinematography, 7.0 Best Soundtrack/Audio/Music, 8.0 Best Costumes, Make-up & SFX (CM & SFX), 9.0 “Colorado & the West” for Drama & Doc Film/MV, 10.0 “Rising Star” for Drama & Doc Film/MV, 11.0 “Festival Theme” (Cannabis & Hemp, etc.) for Drama & Doc Film/MV, 12.0 Best Experimental, “Shockingly Artistic”, “Hip & Cool” for Film/MV
We regret that we are unable to screen all of the submissions we select. As our festival acquires sponsorship and funding, we hope to offer cash and other types of awards to talented activist filmmakers and creatives. Award winners are permitted to modify your own laurels to reflect your final award status. Please don’t hesitate to text/call us with questions and comments, (720) 298-1524.